Saturday, March 12, 2011

Living with Wolves

In this particular video, the people of Bozeman speak about the wolf hunting issue in their state of Montana. Some of the townspeople objected the idea of wolf hunting. While others embraced the idea of wolf hunting. Joan Montagne a wolf hunting supporter said "They will learn just like the bison. They will quickly learn that someone holding the stick, the hunter is someone to avoid. I'm in favor of hunting." Her idea of this is displaying the concept of a master narrative. The hunter is the dominant force over the wolves. Since he is holding the gun which gives pure dominance over the wolf society. Another wolf supporter, Mike Prester commented "I've been coming here since 1987 and enjoyed a large population of elk and developed an elk hunt. I've seen my elk hunt being disrupted tremendously." After reading Leopold's Thinking Like a Mountain, I feel as though we shouldn't hunt for wolves. According to Leopold if we kill all the wolves that lived on the mountain then the deer will overpopulate the mountain. The deer will eat all of the vegetation and plants that the mountain has to offer and by doing that the mountain would eventually die. Die in the sense of its beauty and view. Leopold " I now suspect that just as a deer herd lives in a mortal fear of its wolves, so does a mountain live in mortal fear of its deer." In other words hunting wolves will eventually destroy the system. Everything is like a domino effect or has a chain reaction. For example if we start chopping down all of the trees and plants then we will no longer have clean oxygen to breathe. In conclusion, the symbiosis is in this case the elks need the wolves to some of them to help balance out the population so neither one would have the greater population. Like Dean Fraley argues (opposed of wolf hunting) "If man would have left it alone a long time ago instead of got it out of balance we wouldn't have this huge problem."

1 comment:

  1. My video did not post for some's on youtube its called Bozeman People Speak Out on Wolf Hunts.
